Many young people experience symptomatology consistent with depression, yet never seek help for it. Often this is caused by a lack of knowledge about where to get the help and sometimes an inability to pick up on the signs. Depression can present with varying levels of severity, from mild feelings of sadness and isolation to despair and severe distress. So what are the signs to watch for? The following is a list of possible warning signs to look for:

  • Low energy levels;
  • Increased irritability or changes in mood;
  • Frequent somatic complaints;
  • Decreased connection with family and friends;
  • Frequent episodes of sadness or unexplained tearfulness;
  • Loss of interest in activities that used to generate pleasure;
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns;
  • Feelings of worthlessness or the attribution of inappropriate guilt.

Evidence-based psychological treatment for depression in children and adolescents supports the use of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) with this population. Early intervention is, of course, the best option.

If you have concerns about depression in someone close to you, give Resilient Kids a call on (07) 3902 1973 to discuss the next step.